This is the accident my 3 g'kids were in about a month ago.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

This is a great youtube on Narcissism..... PLEASE WATCH FIRST before the rest

Articles inside are about lots of people including but not limited to the Billarys, George Bush, Al Gore, Al Haig, Charles Schumer oh yeah and GHW Bush...........

CEOs and Narcissism
Findings – Four perspectives important for understanding corporate strategy are highlighted: the importance of CEO-speak as a linguistic marker of CEO narcissism; the revealing nature of metaphors chosen by CEOs; the potential rhetorical potency that arises from the way CEO-speak is framed; and the significance of cultural keywords.

Bill Clinton - "How Dare You" youtube

Sarah Palin a narcissist
Two therapists responded to my request to diagnose Sarah Palin, independently identifying her condition as Narcissistic Personality Disorder, which accounts for the disconnect between reality and her reactions. One added, "I believe McCain has it also, but it may have been somewhat tempered by age. What's so refreshing about Obama is that he seems completely lacking in the typical personality dysfunction you see in politicians."

Symptoms are:
A grandiose sense of self-importance (exaggerates achievements and talents, expects to be recognized as superior without commensurate achievements).

The process of "tapping a running mate" isn't passive and, in fact, is initiated by candidates proposing themselves. This aspect of the disorder explains how Palin could view herself as competent (though it doesn't account for the Republicans who support her). Most of us are amazed by her seeming absence of self-doubt, announcing "I didn't blink" and repeatedly boasting about "fighting the old boy network" and rejecting money for the bridge to nowhere, claims disputed by others.

Preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty or ideal love.

Al Haig was a Narcissist
Just a few days after his president had begun to suspect that Haig was "seeing things that aren't there," on March 30, 1981, to be exact, this neurotic narcissist seized the microphone and made a clumsy attempt to seize power. With Reagan lying critically injured in the hospital, Haig announced in the Situation Room that "the helm is right here, and that means right in this chair for now, constitutionally, until the vice president gets here." As his rival Richard Allen commented, having caught the megalomaniacal drivel on tape, this was "out" by several degrees and intermediate officers mentioned in the U.S. Constitution. "But Haig's demeanor signaled that he might be ready for a quarrel, and there was no point in provoking one."

George Bush has a Narcissistic Personality Disorder
First and foremost, George W. Bush has a Narcissistic Personality Disorder. What this means, mostly, is that he has rather desperate insecurities about himself, and compensates by constructing a grandiose self-image........

Even as a narcissist, Bush knows he isn't a great intellect, and compensates by dismissing the value of intellect altogether..............

The most disturbing aspect about narcissists, however, is their pathological inability to empathize with others......
Hence Bush's horrifying insensitivity to the Katrina victims, his callous jokes when visiting grievously injured soldiers, and numerous other instances. The guy simply has no capacity to feel for others in that way.

Does Al Gore suffer from Narcissistic Personality Disorder
There may be a medical explanation for what makes Al Gore tick. On the basis of his actions and writings over many years my guess is Gore suffers from Narcissistic Personality Disorder. The criteria for this diagnosis, as described in the psychiatrist’s bible, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, include a ” pervasive pattern of grandiosity (in fantasy or behavior), need for admiration and lack of empathy, beginning by early adulthood and present in a variety of contexts,” as indicated by these manifestations:

*** “A grandiose sense of self-importance (e.g., exaggerates achievements and talents, expects to be recognized as superior without commensurate achievements).” Gore regularly demonstrates his grandiosity. Who can forget his notorious claim that he had been instrumental in creating the Internet? But far more serious and complex are Gore’s delusions about issues of technology and environmentalism, such as his repeated endorsement of anti-technology tracts and criticism of technological advances while a congressman, senator and vice president. His writings generally place science and technology at odds with “the natural world” and, by inference, with the well-being and progress of mankind.

*** “Preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty or ideal love; believes that he or she is ‘special’ and unique and can only be understood by, or should associate with, other special or high-status people (or institutions).”

Hillary Clinton's narcissism
1) This problem is exemplified in a brilliantly etched and elegantly deconstructed portrait of Mrs. Clinton by former Reagan speechwriter Peggy Noonan. Thus, the focus of The Case Against Hillary Clinton is not Mrs. Clinton's kitsch Marxism or perverse feminism or cynical progressivism. Instead, it is her narcissism.
2) The wit is sharp but the point just wide of the mark. There are many unprincipled narcissists in politics. But there has never been a White House so thoroughly penetrated by the political left. Noonan's psychological characterization is surely correct. But if Hillary and Bill Clinton were unable to draw on the dedication and support of the left—if they were Republicans, for example—there would be no prospect of a continuance of Them.

Bill Clinton's destructive narcissistic ways
1) Alexander Lowen, M.D., asks a curious question in the last chapter of his book, "Narcissism: Denial of the True Self." He asks on "what grounds can we describe the state of our culture as insane?" After passing over the legal and psychiatric definitions of insanity, Lowen offers a common sense definition. Today's culture is insane because it is self-destructive.
2) Where can we find, in our immediate political landscape, a destructive individual with an equally destructive agenda? If the society itself has become narcissistic and self-destructive, then society's higher leadership should also prove to be narcissistic and self-destructive.

As it happens, we have President Bill Clinton, who personifies the West's self-destructiveness. If you do not believe this, consider Clinton's recent behavior. While Special Prosecutor Kenneth Starr was investigating him, Clinton dared to make sexual advances on Kathleen Willey and Monica Lewinsky. He committed perjury in the Paula Jones lawsuit. The result was national humiliation and impeachment.

John McCain the narcissistic carpetbagger
Michael Leahy, in today’s Washington Post, has an extended front page article on the genesis of John McCain’s political career and consuming lust for the Presidency of the United States. Previous reports here have delineated McCain’s narcissistic and arrogant willingness to say or do anything that will benefit his interest of the moment. Leahy fleshes out the personal history behind McCain’s craven thirst for power.

1. Excessive love or admiration of oneself.
2. A psychological condition characterized by self-preoccupation, lack of empathy, and unconscious deficits in self-esteem.
3. Erotic pleasure derived from contemplation or admiration of one's own body or self, especially as a fixation on or a regression to an infantile stage of development.
4. The attribute of the human psyche characterized by admiration of oneself but within normal limits.

Narcissistic abuse
Narcissism is categorized as a personality disorder by the mental health profession. It is referred to as NPD or Narcissistic Personality Disorder. Few are ever diagnosed because few go to therapy. Narcissism is not high self-esteem, but a condition where the typical narcissist suffers from

Preoccupation with hiding real or perceived flaws
Overestimation of importance, achievements, talents and skills

Maladaptive attention seeking behavior
Inability to empathize with others
Excessive anger and shame in response to criticism often resulting in rage
The narcissist will often manipulate others, especially partners, to control them. Projection and blame are hallmarks of this manipulation. It is estimated that 85% of narcissists are males. This site respects all victims of emotional abuse, both male and female.

America a nation of narcissists
July 4th,2010 America: A Nation of Narcissists
Print This Post May 2, 2009 at 12:48 pm
by: Joseph Marohl

Narcissism is a personality disorder characterized by grandiose posturing to disguise a weak self-esteem. Narcissists exhibit the following symptoms:

■thinking they are superior to other people
■assuming that others ought to automatically go along with their schemes
■believing they are exceptions to rules
■exaggerating their accomplishments and abilities
■expecting approval, never accepting blame
■failing in relationships
■ignoring feelings, needs, and values other than their own
■indulging in fantasies of their importance, power, and irresistibility
■insulting those whom they think are inferior, but overly sensitive to others’ criticism
■resenting others’ good fortune or success, but assuming that others envy them
■setting impossible standards and goals
■taking advantage of others’ good nature, weakness, or gullibility
■wearing a mask of toughness, coolness, or emotional detachment

If these sound familiar, the reason is that we Americans are a nation of narcissists. Yes, this is me in my apocalyptic mode. Sorry.

Not that there’s anything wrong with healthy self-esteem. But narcissism has nothing to do with healthy self-esteem, which is generous, cooperative, egalitarian, and not easily threatened or insulted; in fact, the two conditions are opposites. Narcissism is the exaggerated pretense of self-esteem to hide insecurity, guilt, anxiety, inner conflict, and fear. Narcissism is a mental illness.

Divorcing was it your narcicissm
Because I have to tell you, it doesn’t matter who was the culprit, more than likely the marriage can’t survive. The thing with narcissists is that they think only of themselves. They are selfish, self-absorbed and insensitive. The narcissist thinks nothing of spending the last $5000 in the marital account on plastic surgery. Or leaving a sick spouse behind to attend a ball game with friends; or using the family home as collateral for a hair-brained business idea and then taking all the money loaned and splurging on expensive vacations and showy cars.

Menendez boys kill their parents
A tough, ruthless businessman, Menendez usually got what he wanted. He helped the struggling movie company turn a profit in less than two years and was rewarded handsomely for his endeavors with a $500,000 annual salary. His earnings allowed him to own a nice home in Calabasas, drive luxury cars and provide for his two sons.

Lyle and Erik Menendez were treated like royalty. They attended the best private schools, drove the most expensive cars, and were assigned private instructors to help them with their tennis game. Anything they wanted, Jose and Kitty Menendez gave it to them.

JonBenet Ramsey
The first images of JonBenet Ramsey that were broadcast to the world showed a pretty little girl in heavy make-up and flamboyant costumes parading across a stage. At the time, the media described her as "a painted baby, a sexualized toddler beauty queen."

From the day in 1996 when JonBenet was found dead in the basement of her home in Boulder, Colorado, the Boulder police and a large proportion of the world's media believed that her parents, John and Patsy Ramsey, were responsible for her death.

JonBenet Ramsey hit in face with golf club by her brother
Another factor to consider is that John or Patsy Ramsey could easily carry the 45-pound JonBenet – they wouldn't have to drag her. The 8-inch skull fracture indicates she fell or was thrown against a curved surface (not a sharp surface, or it would have lacerated the skull). In the summer of 1994, Burke accidentally hit JonBenet in the left cheek with a golf club he was swinging, an injury severe enough for Patsy Ramsey to take her daughter to a plastic surgeon, who did not feel surgery was warranted.

The National Enquirer reported, On Sept. 1, 1998, that Burke told Dr. Suzanne Bernhard, a Boulder child psychologist, that he was "getting on with my life." He reportedly said this on Jan. 8, 1997 – 13 days after JonBenet died.

Beth Ramsey older sister of JonBenet died in car accident
"He'd already lost his eldest daughter," Thomas said, referring to Beth Ramsey, a daughter from John's first marriage, who died in a car accident. "Now he's lost his youngest daughter. Was he then going to lose a spouse too?" The key evidence to back his theory, Thomas said last week, are the key components of the ransom note: the pen, the pad, the handwriting, the linguistics. All, he insists, belonged to Patsy Ramsey.

Are performers raging narcissists
The psychology of narcissism

But what is narcissism? The basic idea is being obsessively self-absorbed, always putting your own needs first, having poor empathy or appreciation for other people’s needs etc. But what is behind someone operating that way?

Alice Miller writes in The Drama of the Gifted Child about childhood harm leading to compromised emotional life as an adult, including those kinds of behavior.

Miller has been quoted about the word ‘gifted’ in the title: “I had in mind neither children who receive high grades in school nor children talented in a special way. I simply meant all of us who have survived an abusive childhood thanks to an ability to adapt even to unspeakable cruelty by becoming numb… Without this ‘gift’ offered us by nature, we would not have survived.”

Drama Gifted Child Search Revised
As charming performers who skillfully reflect their parents expectations, far too many children grow into adults driven to greater and greater achievements by an underlying sense of worthlessness. Never allowed to express their true feelings, and having lost touch with their true selves, they act out their repressed feelings with episodes of depression and compulsive behavior. They in turn inflict the same legacy of repression on their own children.

Manhood in Hollywood from Bush to Bush
My central argument is that a struggle between narcissistic and masochistic modes of manhood defines Hollywood masculinity in the Bush-to-Bush period; this claim proceeds from the contention that a profound shift in gendered representation occurred during the Bush 41 years. In Marching in Place, Michael Duffy and Dan Goodgame critiqued what they called the "status quo presidency" of the first Bush.

All black or all white but no shades of grey
Splitting is a Freudian defence mechanism in which an object or idea (or, alternatively, the ego) is separated into two or more parts in order to remove its threatening meaning. Freud referred to splitting as a mental process by which two separate and contradictory versions of reality could co-exist. Ref This conceptualization of splitting defines an ego that allows reality to be both acknowledged and denied. Splitting is a defence mechanism present in all narcissists and codependents. They see people and situations in black and white terms, all bad or all good, with no shades of gray.

Chuck Shumers narcissism
But right as I was leaving, I asked him what he thought about that joke about him: “the most dangerous place to stand in Washington is between Chuck Schumer and a camera.”

For the first time, his face fell. I so wish the camera had still been rolling.

Narcissism Living with the disorder that causes emotional and domestic abuse -videos inside There is hope
Kim & Steve Cooper
If you live with someone who puts you down and insults you, there is information here that may help you bring peace and security back to your home and your life. Please take your time and read this page carefully as you will not find this information anywhere else.

Does Someone Close to You Suffer from Narcissism?

Hi, I'm Kim Cooper ... Welcome to our site! Maybe you know my husband Steve and I from "The Love Safety Net," our popular online movies or radio show? Well today I will share with you some of our history which I believe may help if you are having problems with chronic fighting and/or abuse in your family or your marriage.
"Our story involves narcissism or NPD (Narcissistic Personality Disorder), a major factor in domestic abuse and chronic fighting and we have gone public with our experience to help others learn to recognize and deal with this all too common problem."

After years of conflict, I was directed to read information on-line which led me to suspect Steve was suffering from Narcissism or NPD (Narcissistic Personality Disorder).

"When I talked to a professional mental health worker about my suspicions, he agreed and told me outright that I should divorce Steve and that there was no cure. Worse I was treated a complete fool for thinking he could get better."
Despite this (and even though his behaviour was hurting me) I refused to abandon him. In my heart I knew that leaving was the wrong thing for me to do. There HAD to be answers. I received lots of professional help and advice, learned a lot about psychology (and made tons of mistakes) until finally discovered (from a local police officer) the first of the steps I would take to end the fighting and bring peace to our lives.

First I am going to tell you a little about narcissism, but please note that I am not saying this was all Steve's fault. Later in my story you will learn about codependence which now I know was my role in our problems. These are problems which, just like us, I believe that you can overcome..........

Are You Narcissistic quiz

In Search of Narcissists An Author Says They Can Be Good Leaders--If They're Careful.
Weaknesses include competitiveness and sensitivity to criticism. Bill Clinton embodies the narcissist's best and worst.

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