This is the accident my 3 g'kids were in about a month ago.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Utopian Socialism youtube

Scientific socialism
We, the Scientific Socialism Collective (SSC), believe that our task today is to build a new scientific socialism movement. A movement founded on Marxism that examines the historical conditions of the day and most importantly educates the working class of its historical mission.

Scientific socialists will not only educate the working class for its historical mission by newspapers, internet, and other media outreach, but also by engaging the working class in reform to elucidate the limits of capitalism and imperialism. Scientific socialists will be involved in trade union work, civic work, mass work, electoral work and cultural work to win as much gain for all people but also open the door for transformation of society.

To Contact Scientific Socialism Collective email:

Utopian socialism wikipedia
Utopian socialism is a term used to define the first currents of modern socialist thought. It is distinguished from later socialist thought by being based on idealism instead of materialism. Although it is technically possible for any set of ideas or any person living at any time in history to be a utopian socialist, the term is most often applied to those socialists who lived in the first quarter of the 19th century who were ascribed the label "utopian" by later socialists to convey negative attitudes and naivete to dismiss their ideas as fanciful or unrealistic.[1]

From the mid-19th century onwards, the other branches of socialism, most notably Marxism and scientific socialism, overtook utopian socialism in terms of intellectual development and number of adherents. Utopian socialists were important in the formation of modern movements for intentional community, cooperatives, and meritocracy.

Religious sects whose members live communally, such as the Hutterites, for example, are not usually called "utopian socialists", although their way of living is a prime example. They have been categorized as religious socialists by some. Likewise, intentional communities based on socialist ideas could also be categorized as "utopian socialist".

Socialist conference
Build a movement to fight back! Struggle for socialism!

Join us on November 13-14 in Los Angeles for a National "Fight Back" Conference on Socialism hosted by the Party for Socialism and Liberation. Find out what socialism is, what we aim for, and why socialism is the only answer to the misery created by capitalism.

Saturday and Sunday
November 13-14
University of Southern California
Davidson Conference Center
3415 S. Figueroa St.
Los Angeles, CA 90089

Scientific Socialism
Third, we are in a pre-mass movement period. Although transformational politics is not on the table, we are in a period where a small number of new activists are asking the questions of new strategies and tactics for change. A pre-mass movement period is a period of emerging mass movement and institutions which are assisting in the development of people’s consciousness. The mass anti-war movements in the US and the national liberation movements in Lebanon, Palestine and other places around the world are developing a new generation of activists. However, the left is fragmented, marginalized and politically undeveloped. Many on the left are divided by old ideological and personal lines which have made it difficult for a broad united front to emerge. Moreover, the political collapsed of the left has created a political vacuum that was filled by post-modernism, anarchism and fundamentalism. Post Modernism have contributed to the notion of including race, gender and all other oppressed peoples’ ideals to the table. Feminism has expanded the class analysis and strategy as a result of Post Modernism thinking. However, the limit of post-modernism is the absence of transformative politics where “live with your time, adapt to it, and manage each day” [4]is the primary form of struggle. Also, Post Modernism raises human discourse to the highest level of engagement but suspect objective reality. Throughout the nineties anarchism was leading struggles against WTO, free trade, and the globalization process of capitalism. Also, the traditional Marxist left formations were in a state of declined but anarchists were on the front line against the expansion of globalization. The Zapatista movement was a shinning example for the anarchist theory and practice. However, anarchist anti-authoritarianism position made it difficult to overcome the problem of lack of leadership development, organizational liberalism and white supremacy. Islamic Fundamentalism is principally waging a fierce battle with imperialism in Lebanon, Palestine, Iraq, and other places around the world. However, the fundamentalist are not primarily interested in knowing why things have been and are what they are. What interests them more is to know how things have moved away from principles. [5]

Why is scientific socialism critical at this time? One, the working class and oppressed people needs the theory of scientific socialism to pursue as a science, but also we live in new and different times. The development in social science (human social relations), racism, sexism, heterosexism, general science, technology, information-age, and imperialist hegemony demand the study and pursuit of all these issues as a science in order to complete scientific socialism today.

Socialism and LGBT rights wikipedia
Throughout history, there has been a mixed relationship between Socialism and LGBT rights. Some socialists and members of other left wing political ideologies have supported LGBT rights, whilst in other situations they have opposed them; in a similar manner some socialist governments have taken a positive attitude to lesbian, gay, bisexual and transsexual people, whilst other socialist governments have suppressed their rights. Equally, many LGBT people hold to left wing and socialist views, whilst others oppose them.

[edit] Contemporary Socialism and LGBT Rights
In the contemporary socialist movement, there is widespread support for LGBT rights, with a number of key socialists emphasising the need for greater acceptance of homosexual, bisexual and transgender people in society. Some socialists have treated Gay Liberation as a part of their greater fight against capitalist society: the LGBT socialist Hannah Dee for instance wrote that "LGBT oppression persists precisely because despite the gains we have made, it is rooted in the wider organisation of capitalist society. In a system driven by exploitation and competition those in power must subject every aspect of our lives - even our personal relationships - to the priorities of profit-making."[1]

The sexual politics of utopian socialism

Charles Fourier, Utopian socialist who coined the word feminism in 1837 and defended same-sex sexuality.The first currents of modern socialist thought are now often described with the phrase utopian socialism. Gender and sexuality were significant concerns for many of the leading thinkers, such as Charles Fourier and Henri de Saint-Simon in France and Robert Owen in Britain, as well as their followers, many of whom were women. For Fourier, for example, true freedom could only occur without masters, without the ethos of work, and without suppressing passions; the suppression of passions is not only destructive to the individual, but to society as a whole. Writing before the advent of the term "homosexuality", Fourier recognised that both men and women have a wide range of sexual needs and preferences which may change throughout their lives, including same-sex sexuality and androgénité. He argued that all sexual expressions should be enjoyed as long as people are not abused, and that "affirming one's difference" can actually enhance social integration.[2]

Utopian socialism major thinkers
utopian socialism - major thinkers: Encyclopedia - Simple living
Simple living (similar but not identical to voluntary simplicity or voluntary poverty) is a lifestyle individuals may pursue for a variety of motivations, such as spirituality, health, or ecology. Others may choose simple living for reasons of social justice or a rejection of consumerism. Some may emphasize an explicit rejection of "western values", while others choose to live more simply for reasons of personal ...

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