This is the accident my 3 g'kids were in about a month ago.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

June 28, 2007
In New Expose, Ken Silverstein of Harper’s Magazine Goes Undercover to Find Out What US Lobbyists Do for Dictators

AMY GOODMAN: Ken Silverstein, you also write about the companies that you didn’t get represented by or offers of representation. For example, you talk about Patton Boggs and Cameroon.

KEN SILVERSTEIN: Well, that was a—I mean, I talked about Patton Boggs as just being another lobbying firm around town. I didn’t approach Patton Boggs. I did approach several other firms. But Patton Boggs had in the past done some work for the government of Cameroon, where they sent a team of former members of Congress over to Cameroon, allegedly independent observers, to be there for a presidential election in which the longstanding ruler of Cameroon won 80% of the vote. So Patton Boggs—and its team incidentally was led by a former member of Congress, as well—goes over there, sets up the agenda for a group of members of Congress, former members, who go over and issue sort of uplifting statements about the election being democratic and a step forward, all the usual sort of boilerplate language that they could use to sell this sham election as legitimate. And I was able to discover that, in fact, the whole thing had been set up by Patton Boggs, and it was paid—you know, the expenses of the delegation were paid for by the government of Cameroon.

Afghan lobby scam
At the heart of the scandal is the Defense Department's $2.2 billion Host Nation Trucking contract, a military logistics operation launched with six major contractors, a number that has since risen to eight. One of the contractors under investigation is NCL Holdings, a US firm headed by Hamed Wardak, the Afghan-American son of Afghanistan's defense minister, Gen. Abdul Rahim Wardak. (NCL denies ever having made payments, directly or indirectly, to the Taliban.)

But it seems Hamed Wardak was more than just a defense contractor with a budding business. Parallel to his business ventures, he's been running an aggressive foreign policy campaign in Washington to keep the US heavily vested in Afghanistan. A confidential lobbying memo obtained by The Nation shows that Wardak commissioned a blue-chip lobbying firm to push for an extended US presence in Afghanistan--a potentially lucrative outcome for NCL.

Patton Boggs LLP
Patton Boggs Runs Pro-War Front Group for Hamed Wardak and NCL Holdings
Afghanistanastroturffront groupslobbying
Source: The Nation, December 22, 2009

The Campaign for a U.S.-Afghanistan Partnership is being exposed as an insidious pro-war front group. Aram Roston reports in the The Nation magazine that "As President Obama prepares a massive military buildup in Afghanistan, a House subcommittee has launched an investigation into whether Defense Department contractors are paying off the Taliban to protect American supply lines. ... One of the contractors under investigation is NCL Holdings, a U.S. firm headed by Hamed Wardak, the Afghan-American son of Afghanistan's defense minister, General Abdul Rahim Wardak. ... Parallel to his business ventures, he's been running an aggressive foreign policy campaign in Washington to keep the U.S. heavily vested in Afghanistan. A confidential lobbying memo obtained by The Nation shows that Wardak commissioned a blue-chip lobbying firm to push for an extended U.S. presence in Afghanistan -- a potentially lucrative outcome for NCL. Earlier this year Patton Boggs LLP, Washington's most monied lobbying firm, established a nonprofit front group (Campaign for a U.S. - Afghanistan Partnership) on Wardak's behalf to act as the 'face' of a campaign for increased US engagement in Afghanistan, according to confidential legal records." Blogger Steve Hynd first reported critically on this front group in a posting on October 29, 2009.

Patton Boggs buys lobbying firm of former Sens Lott and Breaux
Patton Boggs acquires lobbying firm of former Sens. Lott, Breaux
By Silla Brush - 07/01/10 04:21 PM ET

K Street’s biggest firm on Thursday acquired one of Washington’s fastest-growing lobbying shops.

Patton Boggs, the perennial lobbying powerhouse, acquired Breaux-Lott Leadership Group, the firm started in 2008 by former Sen. John Breaux (D-La.) and ex-Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott (R-Miss.).

Halliburton hires Patton Boggs for BP fiasco
Transocean Ltd., which owned and leased to BP the Deepwater Horizon rig, which exploded and sank, recruited Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom. Halliburton Co. has hired Patton Boggs

Patton Boggs LLP pdf
There has never been a time in modern history when the distance between the activities in businesses,
the economy, and the financial markets have been more closely linked to the policies, decisions, and
deliberations in Washington. Now more than ever companies, industries, borrowers, and investors
throughout the US and the world need a clear and experienced voice in Washington to ensure informed
and practical decisions. Similarly, policymakers in Washington need a clear understanding of business
and economic conditions and useful information about how the financial markets work.
Patton Boggs LLP has always been at the crossroads where Main Street, Wall Street, and Pennsylvania Avenue
meet. This is a place where Patton Boggs, with its unparalleled presence in the public policy arena and its deep
understanding of business and financial markets through a broad array of business law and litigation practices,
calls home.
Widely-recognized as the nation’s number one public policy firm, Patton Boggs is at the intersection of
government and business. Our professionals are known for their skill in assessing how actions on Capitol Hill will
affect companies on Main Street and Wall Street. Our experience extends to the legislative and regulatory issues
that affect financial services businesses throughout the United States and the world—insight and “capitol
intelligence” that is critical in today’s tumultuous global marketplace. Our knowledge and experience working both
with (and within) various government agencies, as well as with other branches of government, enables us to seek
an array of policy solutions, particularly when the client requires more than conventional resolution strategies.
Our insight and depth of expertise are particularly valuable to clients affected by the economic crisis and resulting
government intervention. Our deep roster of professionals includes the former President and Co-CEO of the
Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association (who also served as President and CEO of the Bond
Market Association), the former National Finance Director for Senator Christopher J. Dodd, the former Executive
Director of the Asia Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association (and a veteran of the Federal Reserve
Bank of New York), the former Chief Counsel to the Senate Finance Committee, senior staff to the House
Financial Services Committee, and women and men who served in senior legal and policy positions at the
Treasury Department, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), the federal bank regulatory agencies,
and the US Congress.
Over 􀃎
In addition to a renowned public policy practice, Patton Boggs has been nationally recognized as a
premier provider of legal representation to financial sector businesses across the country. We have
advised commercial banks, savings institutions, bank and thrift holding companies, mortgage companies,
real estate investment trusts (REITs), specialty finance companies, hedge funds, and private equity and
mezzanine funds for years. Our attorneys regularly advise clients on the full range of issues in dealings
with, and applications pending before, the Federal Reserve Board, the Federal Deposit Insurance
Corporation, the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, the Office of Thrift Supervision, and state
agencies that regulate financial services firms.
Companies and their executives now find themselves in an unprecedented atmosphere of corporate
investigations, prosecutions, Congressional and regulatory oversight, and individual criminal liability.
Patton Boggs has a long history of successfully representing clients in high-profile financial scandals such
as BCCI and the savings & loan crisis and others involving SEC, Federal Reserve, Congressional, and
federal and state grand jury investigations, as well as civil litigation
Our Government Investigations Practice boasts one of the most experienced groups of white-collar
litigators in the country. This group includes more than 100 attorneys who have served in senior
government positions at the White House, Congressional investigative committees, the U.S. Department
of Justice, the criminal and civil divisions of the U.S. Attorneys’ offices, federal agencies, and state
Attorneys’ General offices. As a result, we are able to combine an extensive knowledge of the relevant
legal standards and procedures with deep insight and an experienced understanding and involvement
with the Congressional and regulatory oversight powers, procedures, and practices.
Clients turn to Patton Boggs for reliable and timely intelligence and a seasoned perspective on potential
policy decisions and actions by the U.S. Congress, the Executive Branch, and various independent
regulatory agencies. Our work with financial services companies and our understanding of the inner
workings of government set us apart and make us well suited to guide companies through the fastmoving
political environment. With a distinct combination of public policy expertise and financial services
experience, combined with litigation skills that cover the scope of government and Congressional
investigations, Patton Boggs is uniquely qualified to help companies navigate Washington in a way that
achieves their business goals and protects their bottom lines in the changing business climate. Managing
the risk of public policy in any business decision or transaction has now become as essential as
managing any other business risk or exposure.
For More Information on the Firm’s Capabilities, Please Contact:
Partner and Co-Chair of Tax and Financial Services Practice
Patton Boggs LLP
2550 M Street, NW
Washington, DC 20037
Tel: 202.457.5258 | E-mail:

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