Naked Truth, Fluoride Poison, 9/11 Responders Strike Back - Sunday Update youtube
Biosafety Level wikipedia
A biosafety level is the level of the biocontainment precautions required to isolate dangerous biological agents in an enclosed facility. The levels of containment range from the lowest biosafety level 1 to the highest at level 4. In the United States, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have specified these levels.[1] In the European Union, the same biosafety levels are defined in a directive.[2]
China and it's reaction to American Brand recalls
Many still remember some of the most severe cases. Last year DuPont faced the "Teflon-coated pan case," as a result of which, some large Chinese department stores removed non-stick pans that used DuPont's Teflon coating from their shelves (for relevant report see Beijing Review Issue No. 34, 2004). Then Proctor & Gamble was sued by a consumer who believed that its SK-II de-wrinkle cream contained caustic substance. Some U.S. brands, including Heinz and KFC, were stricken as their products were said to contain carcinogenic "Sudan 1." Later, Johnson & Johnson, Lipton, Colgate and Haagen-Dazs were involved in successive negative incidents.
Chinese consumers have always trusted foreign brands, which they believe adhere to strict production standards and thus have credible quality. But these negative incidents are damaging the trustworthiness of foreign brands.
KFC and Sudan 1 scandal
KFC diners seek advice over fear of Sudan I
Latest Updated by 2005-03-22 10:49:51
A rising number of KFC customers have begun seeking legal advice after the US fast food chain's Beijing restaurants suspended three more items from their menus over fears they may contain the carcinogenic food colouring Sudan I.
Last Saturday, 10 days after the restaurants' New Orleans range was discontinued because of Sudan 1 contamination, the illegal dye was found again in popcorn chicken, spicy chicken wings and hamburgers in one of the company's Beijing outlets.
Sudan 1 scandal
Unfortunately, this one crisis is unlikely to change the behaviour of either consumers or producers. There are too many barriers at present preventing this kind of systemic learning which has to happen at multiple levels. But as I wrote in Getting into the Dirt (which alludes to some of the multifaceted causes why the current system is so unsustainable) these kinds of food shocks and disruptions will increase in frequency and be those "inevitable surprises" we should have seen coming. Yes, a prediction of sorts because the pattern is becoming clear: like BSE, foot and mouth disease, and SARS (which was caused because of poor livestock practices in dense urban areas), this latest Sudan 1 crisis is the thunder signaling a much larger storm on the near horizon unless we make some big course corrections within our global food system.
There is poison in the tap water
WACYorkPA squads up and travels directly south of York to a forcibly poisoned town called Red Lion (Pop.15,000) with bright yellow “Poison in the Tap” Posters.
Join us for a full day of Truth Action on the Eleventh Day of Every Month at and please consider donating at…
Is YOUR Water Fluoridated (Poisoned) in Pennsylvania?
Sodium Fluorosilicate [MSDS] (Material Safety Data Sheet)…
Paint The Town: Anti-Fluoridation Poster Campaign
PDF Poster:…
Open Letter to City Concerning Water Fluoridation
(Print and Deliver to your elected public officials)…
Australian TV Runs Serious Report on Dangers of Fluoride
Studies on Neurotoxic Effects of Fluoride
Studies on Fluoride Links to Cancer
Studies on Fluoride and Bone Fractures
Study on Fluoride’s Effects on Liver and Kidney
Studies on Fluoride and the Thyroid
Studies on Fluoride and IQ reduction
Studies on Fluoride and Dental Flourosis
Studies on Fluoride and Tooth Decay
Jacob Appel Calls for Spiking Public Water With Lithium and Other Drugs
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