Karzai's mercenaries
Written by research analyst Carl Forsberg the study "Politics and Power in Kandahar" reported some astonishing things regarding the provision of security in Afghanistan. While this is not a secret in Afghanistan it is hardly ever talked about in the U.S. media
He writes that since 2006, the Karzai family has established its own major private security firms and private militias, which give them even greater influence over the commanders who have become their dependents.
Several of these firms have major interests across Afghanistan, not just in Kandahar. The largest Karzai family-controlled firm in southern Afghanistan is the Asia Security Group (ASG), run by Hashmat Karzai, the cousin of President Karzai.
Stanley McChrystal and Karzai's brother
Karzai's younger half-brother, Ahmad Wali Karzai, the head of the Kandahar provincial council, gave McChrystal a ringing endorsement, telling reporters in Kandahar that McChrystal's leadership would be sorely missed.
"If he is fired, it will disrupt the operation," Ahmad Wali Karzai said. "It definitely will affect it. He (McChrystal) started all this, and he has a good relationship with the people. The people trust him and we trust him. If we lose this important person, I don't think that this operation will work in a positive way."
Karzai Brother: Drug Lord, CIA Darling?
WASHINGTON, Oct. 28, 2009
Karzai Brother: Drug Lord, CIA Darling?
Alleged Reliance on Corrupt Brother of Afghan President Hamid Karzai More Bad News for U.S. Campaign in Afghanistan
Ahmed Wali Karzai wikipedia
Ahmad Wali Karzai has survived a number of assassination attempts by Taliban militants[5] and at least two attacks against his office in Kandahar: one in November 2008[6] and the other in April 2009.[7] According to him, a total of nine suicide bombers lost their lives trying to kill him.
In August 2009, shortly before the presidential election took place, Wali Karzai and Sher Mohammad Akhundzada, former governor of the Helmand Province a member of the Upper House of the Afghan parliament, were are accused of vote rigging, as well as drug smuggling [8].
Afghanistan, the Taliban and the Bush Oil Team
by Wayne Madsen
January 2002
Centre for Research on Globalisation (CRG), globalresearch.ca, 23 January 2002
According to Afghan, Iranian, and Turkish government sources, Hamid Karzai, the interim Prime Minister of Afghanistan, was a top adviser to the El Segundo, California-based UNOCAL Corporation which was negotiating with the Taliban to construct a Central Asia Gas (CentGas) pipeline from Turkmenistan through western Afghanistan to Pakistan.
UNOCAL courts the Taliban
It's also exciting to the Bush Administration. According to the authors of Bin Laden, the Hidden Truth, one of the FBI's leading counter terrorism agents, John O'Neill, resigned last year in protest over the Bush Administration's alleged obstruction of his investigation into bin Laden. (A similar complaint has been filed on behalf of another unidentified FBI Agent by the conservative Judicial Watch public interest group.) Supposedly the Bush Administration had been meeting since January 2001 with the Taliban, and was also reluctant to offend Saudi Arabians who O'Neill had linked to bin Laden. Mr. O'Neill, after leaving the FBI, assumed the position of security director at the World Trade Center, where he was killed in the 911 attacks.
UNOCAL Corporation wikipedia
In March 2005, the Chinese National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC) tried to acquire Unocal with a bid that valued Unocal at between $16 billion and $18 billion. Following a vote in the United States House of Representatives, the bid was referred to President George W. Bush, on the grounds that its implications for national security needed to be reviewed [7]. CNOOC withdrew its bid. Soon after, Unocal merged with Chevron.
The merger was seen as U.S. protectionism in the involvement of political interests where CNOOC was made aware of a "harsh political reaction" to a take over of American companies.[8] American congressment cites "national security" as a reason for being alarmed by the takeover option.[9]
Rashid Popal is cousin to Karzai
Watan’s president, Rashid Popal, strongly denied any suggestion that his men either colluded with insurgents or orchestrated attacks to emphasize the need for their services. Executives with Compass Security did not respond to questions.
But the episode, and others like it, has raised the suspicions of investigators here and in Washington, who are trying to track the tens of millions in taxpayer dollars paid to private security companies to move supplies to American and other NATO bases.
Karzai Krime Family
While the US pours marrow and money into the battle for drugs and rocks, the Karzai Krime Family become richer; is this the "credible partner" the Pentagon needs to "succeed"?
Watan Risk Management is run by President Karzai's cousins, Hashmat Karzai, another relative of the president runs the Asia Security Group and one security firm is controlled by the parliamentary speaker's son.
Watan Risk, the firm run by Ahmad Rateb Popal and Rashid Popal, Karzai family relatives and former drug dealers. Watan controls one key stretch of road that all the truckers use: the strategic route to Kandahar. Watan Risk has a monopoly on this vital route.
NCL Hamid Wardak
Executive Management
Mr. Hamed Rahim Wardak
Founder and CEO
Hamed Wardak, 34, is an Afghan-American and founder and CEO of NCL Holdings, LLC, a global professional services company that has been instrumental in projects generating local employment in Afghanistan. He is also a philanthropist and advocate for the future of Afghanistan.
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