This is the accident my 3 g'kids were in about a month ago.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Money and addiction
Trying to control or manipulate life through the means of money is a form of addiction

1) Their keen focus on the efficient use of energy is likely the first hint of a sustained ecological/environmental movement in the United States. Technocracy Study Course stated, for instance,

2) Modern emphasis on curtailing carbon fuel consumption that causes global warming and CO2 emissions is essentially a product of early Technocratic thinking.

He who controls money controls the world
The words "population control" bring a thought process to bear on any person contemplating the phrase...usually connected to the idea of simple demographic overpopulation. But that is only one part of the equation - population control is not just limiting the overall number of humans that exist on the planet at any given moment to "sustainable" levels. It's also about CONTROLLING the behavior, thought processes, attitudes, and beliefs of the population as well.

Money addiction
And as with an addiction to alcohol or drugs, family members eventually become drawn into the pathology through all of the interactions and mutual dependencies that are part of any family. The earner can have an unnatural power and control over other family members as they have their hand on the spigot so to speak, they can turn on or cut off supply. They manipulate with money and eventually other family members learn to manipulate them right back. The earner as well as family members can become increasingly taken over by money and all of the "paraphernalia" that surrounds a life of wealth. Just as the pot smoker becomes dependent on his water pipe, cigarette papers and laid back surroundings, the old "hippie pad", the money addict becomes equally bonded to the trappings of wealth, the cars, big house, clothes, trips, parties, travel, fine educations, elegant surroundings and fancy friends. Money also becomes woven into relationships. The saddest manifestation of this being when I see the earner judging all family members through the lens of money (how much do they make?) rather than through a lens of deeper relationship values and worth. For the person addicted to money, there is no accomplishment that matches the amassing of wealth. Eventually, the money addict can't really distinguish real love from the love he is able to purchase and he loses his ability to "roll with the punches" that any lasting relationship requires. He wants the "punches" to roll with him, to control the messy, sticky parts of live and to smooth out any jutting edges. Unfortunately life can and should be messy at times to allow for growth and change to occur. When the money addict disallows this "messiness" he puts a hamper on personal growth for himself and those around him.

Dr. David Kelly snuff film carbon offset
Our research suggests that Becket or Miliband ordered the Kelly snuff film through Sarah Jones, then head of the BBC in-house legal department and a former employee of Magic Circle law firm Allen & Overy, a carbon-offset broker with the Legal Sector Alliance.

No sex please
One of the world’s largest law firms, Allen & Overy, has ordered a senior lawyer in its Moscow office to stop publishing erotic fiction on her personal Web site. A spokesman for the firm told news reporters that the saucy stories written by lawyer Deidre Dare, who is from the United States, violated the firm’s strict rules governing employee conduct.

Legal Sector Alliance

G20: adopt better regulation or climate policies just hot air
The Legal Sector Alliance is calling on G20 nations to implement more effective legislation to support the commitments they make to tackling climate change.

The call comes ahead of the G20 Pittsburgh Summit on 24 September and the end-of-year Copenhagen Summit where leaders from across the world will meet for the United Nations Climate Change Conference to thrash out a global deal on carbon emissions.

Technocracy wikipedia
Technocracy is a form of government in which engineers, scientists, health professionals and other technical experts are in control of decision making in their respective fields. The term technocracy derives from the Greek words tekhne meaning skill and kratos meaning power, as in government, or rule. Thus the term technocracy denotes a system of government where those who have knowledge, expertise or skills compose the governing body. In a technocracy decision makers would be selected based upon how highly knowledgeable they are, rather than how much political capital they hold.

Hubbert Peak Theory wikipedia
The Hubbert peak theory posits that for any given geographical area, from an individual oil-producing region to the planet as a whole, the rate of petroleum production tends to follow a bell-shaped curve. It is one of the primary theories on peak oil.

M. King Hubbert
Marion King Hubbert (October 5, 1903 – October 11, 1989) was a geoscientist who worked at the Shell research lab in Houston, Texas. He made several important contributions to geology, geophysics, and petroleum geology, most notably the Hubbert curve and Hubbert peak theory (a basic component of Peak oil), with important political ramifications. He was often referred to as "M. King Hubbert" or "King Hubbert".

Entropy and Disorder
If you assert that nature tends to take things from order to disorder and give an example or two, then you will get almost universal recognition and assent. It is a part of our common experience. Spend hours cleaning your desk, your basement, your attic, and it seems to spontaneously revert back to disorder and chaos before your eyes. So if you say that entropy is a measure of disorder, and that nature tends toward maximum entropy for any isolated system, then you do have some insight into the ideas of the second law of thermodynamics.

Some care must be taken about how you define "disorder" if you are going to use it to understand entropy. A more precise way to characterize entropy is to say that it is a measure of the "multiplicity" associated with the state of the objects. If a given state can be accomplished in many more ways, then it is more probabable than one which can be accomplished in only a few ways. When "throwing dice", throwing a seven is more probable than a two because you can produce seven in six different ways and there is only one way to produce a two. So seven has a higher multiplicity than a two, and we could say that a seven represents higher "disorder" or higher entropy.

Carbon Currency Green Agenda
The Carbon Currency

During my research into this subject it has become crystal clear that the 'Climate Crisis' has been conceived by the Gaia Cult as a way to control and reduce human activity in order to protect their goddess. To achieve this they have devised a 'carbon rationing' system that will include a mandatory carbon card that you must have if you want to buy anything, even food. And it will be global - everyone will be signed up to the same system.

Their plan is that everyone on earth will be given the same number of 'carbon credits' so a person living in a village in India, who doesn't even own a car, will suddenly has a 1000 carbon credits. If a family in America wants to have two cars and heat their home in winter they will have to buy credits from poorer countries. This is just a socialist scheme for global wealth redistribution.

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